Didalam dunia keamanan teknologi informasi, menggunakan tools yg powerful dan gratis merupakan satu hal yg sangat penting dalam membantu meningkatkan visibilitas keamanan. Salah satu tools tersebut adalah Wazuh . Bagi pakar keamanan yg sudah cukup lama berkecimpung didalam dunia keamanan teknologi informasi, tools Wazuh tidaklah asing. Malah mungkin sudah menjadi salah satu tools wajib yg harus dimiliki dalam aktifitas pengamanan aset teknologi informasi.
Nowadays, some of us maybe had an experience got a story from others about some cyber criminal hack their email / social media account. Or maybe we are the victim. Ironically, this cyber incident become a common story, sadly. Some of story might have a financial impact, such as fraud to their relatives and friends. Or it might be ask some ransom ware and promising them to recover their account immediately after they pay the money. But, there's no guarantee for that.