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Konfigurasi Wazuh sebagai perangkat monitoring keamanan TI

Didalam dunia keamanan teknologi informasi, menggunakan  tools  yg powerful dan gratis merupakan satu hal yg sangat penting dalam membantu meningkatkan visibilitas keamanan. Salah satu tools  tersebut adalah Wazuh . Bagi pakar keamanan yg sudah cukup lama berkecimpung didalam dunia keamanan teknologi informasi, tools Wazuh tidaklah asing. Malah mungkin sudah menjadi salah satu tools  wajib yg harus dimiliki dalam aktifitas pengamanan aset teknologi informasi.
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Awareness To Allow Applications To Read Your Data

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Journey to Implementation Change Management Process (Part 4)

Continue, In the previous article, discussed about flow change management process and the supporting elements to properly implement change management in initial phase. Furthermore, this article will focusing on the supporting document and what kind of the information that will be used as a legal document to ask permission to implement changes in the system.

Journey to Implementation Change Management Process (Part 3)

Continue, In the last article, already discuss about the advantages of using Service Catalogue and CMDB in change management process. To remind, both of them are use to record all services used in the enterprise and to define which CI ( Configuration Items ) used to support existing services. For this article, it will be focusing to discuss process and the supporting element which required to apply change management in the enterprise.

Journey to Implementation Change Management Process (Part 2)

Continue, In the previous article, I already define the advantages and references that can be used for Change Management process, in this article it will focusing on what the important parameters used to ensure enablement and supporting Change Management to be applied in your enterprise.